AI in Editorial Workflow: Bridging Human Intelligence with Machine Inspiration

“AI is good, but only truly useful in combination with humans.” Evidently, but what exactly does that mean? And what are the implications in the editorial and journalistic context? In which tasks can AI support or at least inspire us, and when do we need to intervene to achieve a good result?

In this seminar, in the first step, we will collectively explore how to extract headlines, teasers, info boxes, compelling topics, tables, interview questions, and much more from AI. In a second step, we will discuss and practice how to leverage and utilize the outputs from ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT4, combining our skills and knowledge in text work and research to achieve a quality outcome quickly. Thus, we familiarize ourselves with the capabilities of AI while refreshing skills such as researching, editing, and producing texts.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied in the journalistic and editorial context.
  • Acquire techniques to generate headlines, teasers, and other editorial content from AI tools like ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT4.
  • Discuss and utilize AI results to achieve good outcomes through our own professional editorial text work.


  • Language: German
  • Prerequisites: You will need a laptop and ChatGPT 3.5 (free of charge)
  • Dates (please select only one)
    • 13th of February 2024
    • 15th of February 2024
  • Time: each from 10am to 03pm (CET) incl. lunch break
  • Where: Co-Working Area in the Axel Springer New Building, Zimmerstraße 50, 10117 Berlin

Who is eligible to participate?

Upskilling offers of Axel Springer Academy are open for all employees of Axel Springer Group and its subsidiaries. All levels of experience are welcome, and we always encourage participation.

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