We have received many awards for our digital projects, including the Henri Nannen Award, the European Media Award of the World Association of Newspapers, and the Grimme Online Award. The best practice is one of the most important demands of our training. Here you can see what our journalism students have worked on so far.
October 7 – No way back
The personal story of Alon Gat is at the centre of this multimedia live ticker chronicle, which reconstructs his dramatic experiences through an exclusive series of short video interviews. The videos are supplemented by news texts that categorise the events with today’s knowledge.
The content of the project was published on BILD.de, BZ.de, WELT.de and the social accounts exactly one year after the events at the time.
Rap, Business, Women
In our three-part podcast feature Rap, Business, Women, we take a closer look at the role of women in the German rap industry. We shed light on the challenges, but also the opportunities they face. You’ll hear from female rappers such as Kitty Kat, Shoki and Lady Bitch Ray, who enrich the genre with their voices. But we also hear the perspectives of male colleagues such as Monet 192, the rap crew 01099 and NNOC – because the business is complex and multi-layered.
The format “Heimspiel – Auf den Spuren unserer EM-Helden” was developed to mark the European Football Championship. It is a five-part video show and highlights one player from the German squad at a time. The project is given an additional storytelling level by a specially developed augmented reality lens.
Young people are often accused of being lazy – and therefore responsible for the lack of young talent in many sectors. Team 34 takes an informative, playful and critical look at areas where workers are urgently needed. JOBjektiv was created in collaboration with WELT, Stepstone and Snap. The project takes a completely new approach to storytelling thanks to an augmented reality lens, which users are taken to directly after the video show.
Reports of Resistance
The five-part video series shows journalists and activists who have been threatened and imprisoned for their commitment to justice. The team used AI to get better and faster results. The technology was used where it made sense in a journalistic context. The results can be seen here.

Mind Stories
The vision behind Mind Stories is to provide a comprehensive insight into the complexity of mental health which at the moment is one of the most popular topics on social media. To deliver our content, we produced smart and informative video content supported by Snapchat’s AR lenses.

Berlin 2033
In the next ten years, Berlin will face significant challenges. However, many exciting developments are also on the horizon.
Will Berlin master these challenges, or will problems arise?
A team of journalists and tech talents from the Axel Springer Academy dare to take a detailed look into the future of Berlins climate, art and fashion scene.
it’s kosher habibi
We found that Jewish-Muslim friendships are not only possible, but that they exist in a wide variety of age groups and in a wide variety of forms. We met four pairs of friends and asked them what makes their friendship special and whether there is any truth to the prejudices against Jews and Muslims.
Career with apprenticeship
This series is about exciting, special and interesting apprenticeships. Because even without a degree, you can make a career start! Trainees and apprentices who already have both feet on the ground take readers into their everyday lives, show them what they do and tell them what they can do after completing their training.
Words & Weapons
A war is raging in Ukraine – also over the truth. Missiles and tanks are accompanied by lies and propaganda. The word becomes a weapon, or it is banned. This project shows how international media professionals report on the war in Ukraine.

The Deepfake Report
We – an international team of journalists and tech students – dared an experiment: Can we create impressive deepfake videos of politicians in just a few weeks? And if so, how will they react to them?

They are doing everything they can to save Europe.
Climate change is increasingly causing weather extremes in Europe. Storms, floods and heat leave behind suffering, destruction. Across Europe, our team met 29 HEROPEANS, people who do not give up after personal climate disaster.

Hong Kong Diaries
In a documentary film, multimedia diaries and an interactive map, we bring you closer to the democracy movement in Hong Kong – through eight protagonists who were always in danger of getting arrested.

Jeder Vierte
Well-known actors recreate the experiences of Jews in Germany – the result leaves one speechless. The films and the subsequent classification show that too many people in our country are still silent when it comes to Anti-Semitism.

The first youth magazine on TIKTOK
Hawaiitoast is a journalistic magazine especially for young people. To reach the target group better, the 60-second stories were developed especially for TikTok.

Divers*land – Time to Understand.
The first journalistic project on the third option. Stirring stories from trans* and inter* people from all over Germany.

the journalism project
mission: truth tells how big journalistic stories were created. To reach a younger audience, Team 23 designed this project for Instagram.

Syria’s children, the poison gas & us
A podcast in seven parts about Assad’s war against his own people. Team 22 tells the story of little Yusuff, who becomes a symbol against the oblivion of Syria’s people.

Gönn dir Info bei WhatsApp
“What does politics have to do with me?” That’ s the question we want to answer for you. Our team 21 gets as close as possible to the issues that move you: in your WhatsApp chat.

The Holocaust SNAPCHAT Project
Team 20 develops the first journalistic format about the Holocaust specifically for 14- to 16-year-olds. Honored with the Nannen Award as best web project of the year and with the European Media Award of the World Newspaper Association.

24/7 live: Capital city journalism rethought
Sleepless in Berlin – that’s how Team 19 of the Axel Springer Academy fared between 6 a.m. on Monday, June 6 and midnight on Sunday, June 13, 2016: 16 reporters reported from the capital around the clock for seven days.

Das 365-Tage-Langzeitprojekt zur Flüchtlingskrise
In an elaborate 365-day long-term project, young journalists from the Axel Springer Academy accompany ten individuals in the midst of the crisis for an entire year. Together with them, the reporters aim to answer the crucial question of the coming years: Can we make it?

The Academy’s international freedom project
The attack on “Charlie Hebdo” is the occasion for Team 17’s digital project, which describes how people around the world have not stopped courageously standing up for their cause and fighting terror after an attack.

A roadtrip across the continent
Economic crisis, autonomy efforts, discrimination, ethnic conflicts and right-wing populism – Team 16 reported live from 15 European countries on five routes. And above all, they investigated the question: Is there a “Generation Separation”?

The Mobile Community Portal
Marginal experiences affect everyone, some are intentional, and some are unintentional. Overcoming them, reporting on them, sharing them with others – that is the concept of Team 15’s project, “1weiter.net.

The Mobile Reporting Project
Unter-Anderen.de is Team 14’s cross-media web magazine that makes the foreign life worlds of the protagonists tangible for the user. Every single multimedia report and every photo in this project was produced using a smartphone.

A multimedia road trip to the non-voters
One month before the 2013 federal election, Team 13 looked at Germany’s non-voter groups. The interactive cross-media project combines texts, videos, photographs and graphics to create a multimedia story.

Das Infografik-Projekt
The journalism students from Team 12 have researched numerous stories and facts about relationships, sex, heart, and pain. With the cross-media project, they aim to demonstrate how data and facts can be innovatively visualized.

Hyperlocal Journalism
On www.zoom-berlin.com, the twenty journalism students from Team 11 for the first time focus on a single street in their journalistic offering: Berlin’s Oranienstraße.

Das Pressefreiheits-Portal
A novel online magazine on press freedom in Germany. Through background reports, interviews, and videos, Team 10 documents the frequent attempts to influence independent reporting. The website is complemented by the 20zwoelfBlog.

Die E-Book-Edition
The e-book edition by Team 9 was the first purely journalistic edition of its kind in the German-speaking region. The e-books were designed for all platforms, available as traditional PDFs as well as in EPUB format.

Das iPad-Magazin
Team 8 produced a different kind of year-end review at the end of 2010: not a look back, but a look forward, an exclusive briefing for the year 2011. The goal was to tell surprising stories through multimedia storytelling.

Das Social Web-Projekt
On the occasion of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Team 7 of the Axel Springer Academy produced a high-quality journalistic product entirely sourced from the social web, providing a more authentic and diverse portrayal of South Africa than any traditionally produced medium could.

Die Geschichte eines Dorfes
Team 5 of the Axel Springer Academy reported on the cross-media project “Little Berlin,” covering 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall in Mödlareuth on the Thuringian-Bavarian border. The journalism students allowed the residents to tell their stories comprehensively and emotionally.

Die Online-Singlebörse
One topic, two different approaches: Stadtsolist.de by Team 6 sets new standards in its overall approach, combining high-quality journalistic online content with audience-oriented, unique design. The project was successfully developed into a business case after the concept phase.

Das neuartige Single-Magazin
IN-SEARCH makes the search itself a confident generational motto: “We search for love and love the search.” Team 6’s online presence convinced users and had an outstanding average visit duration of more than 12 minutes per visitor.

Das umfassende Multimedia-Dossier
What is power, actually? Is it evil, threatening, and subjugating? Or rather, does it have the ability to make anything truly possible? The academy team worked intensively on the project, implementing media convergence in high-quality journalism.

Die Event-Berichterstattung
Team 3 of the Axel Springer Academy ran the online editorial team for the 97th German Catholic Congress in Osnabrück. The students set up their own newsroom on the congress grounds and reported for a week through video, audio, text, and photos.

Der Film zur Zukunft
On the occasion of being awarded as a “Place in the Land of Ideas,” the students of Team 3 asked the question: What will journalism look like in ten years? With significant technical and conceptual efforts, they explored the conditions under which journalism will function in the year 2018.

Der Relaunch des Web-Auftritts
The journalism students from Team 1 developed the content for the relaunch of the website for “Ein Herz für Kinder” (A Heart for Children): The students delivered 80 multimedia content pages, a new navigation concept, and their own videos, podcasts, and texts.

Ein Online-Projekt mit vielen Facetten
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, the students from Team 2 shed light on Israeli life in Berlin in spree-aviv. The project was awarded as an “outstanding achievement” at the Axel Springer Prize 2008.