Media law in practice: limits, personal rights, risk avoidance

The seminar provides a practical introduction to the legal foundations of text and image reporting within the context of expression rights. Through specific examples from legal practice, participants become familiar with the legal boundaries of permissible reporting and gain awareness of the privacy rights of those affected. It provides insights into the risks of violating personal rights and, at the same time, teaches practical skills and strategies for proactively dealing with legal challenges.

Learning objectives:

  • Where are the limits of permissible reporting
  • How far do the personal rights of those affected by reporting extend?
  • What risks arise from their violation
  • How can legal problems be avoided


  • Language: German
  • Date: 13.03.2024
  • Time: 02:00 – 05:00 pm
  • Where: Via MS Teams
  • Level: Entry

Who is eligible to participate?

Upskilling offers of Axel Springer Academy are open for all employees of Axel Springer Group and its subsidiaries. All levels of experience are welcome, and we always encourage participation.

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